BBQ Picanha Steak

BBQ Picanha Steak

Just like you, we are always looking for the most flavorful and tender cut of beef to grill or BBQ for the family. We are also looking for something that is affordable, and the Picanha Steak delivers on all of these points. When Grilled or Smoked correctly, it is something to behold. So, next time you see the Picanha Steak at the grocery store, buy it and take it home and BBQ that Picanha Steak 

The Picanha Steak, Sirloin Cap Steak or Coulotte Steak is a very tender cut of beef. Most local grocery stores are carrying this cut of beef and usually it comes with the Fat Cap on it. This will add an extra depth of flavor to this steak that makes the Picanha Steak even more impressive. 


In this video, we are going to show you how to BBQ Picanha steak on the Pellet Smoker/ Grill at 275 and smoke it/Grill it/cook it until it is rare to Med-rare. We will then be slicing it into thin deli slices for BBQ Picanha steak sandwiches and BBQ Picanha steak Paninis. The seasonings that we are using for out BBQ Picanha steak gives a good balance of BBQ and Beef flavors. This BBQ Picanha steak made a believer out of me, and it is something that I promise you will be happy to cook for yourself, your family and your friends and everyone will enjoy it. 


The easiest and best way to BBQ Picanha steak. 


This BBQ Picanha steak recipe will show you a technique that will ensure that the BBQ Picanha steak is smoked perfectly. In addition, we are going to show you how to season the Picanha Steak to ensure that it is packed with flavor and moisture. 

BBQ Picanha Steak

BBQ Picanha steak

Jason Hardee, Pitmaster Elite BBQ Smokers
Are you looking for one of the most flavorful cuts of beef that you can grill for your next party for less than $30 dollars?
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Rest 30 minutes
Total Time 2 hours
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 4 People


  • 1 Pellet Smoker
  • 1 Boning Knife
  • Pecan Pellets


  • 3 lbs. Picanha Steak
  • Rufus Teague Steak Rub
  • Rufus Teague Meat Rub


  • Remove any excess fat and silver skin
  • Slice a checkerboard pattern into the Fat Cap. (Do not slice into the meat, just the fat)
  • Apply a Liberal amount of Rufus Teague Meat Rub and Rufus Teague Steak Rub to the meat and rub it into the cuts in the Fat Cap.
  • Rest the Picanha in the Refrigerator to set the rub. Around 10-15 minutes.
  • Set the Pellet Smoker Temp to 275. Using Signature Blend Pellets or Pecan pellets
  • Smoke the Picanha in the Pellet Smoker for about 1-hour until you reach an internal temperature of 122-127°.
  • Rotate the Picanha in the Pellet Smoker about 30-minutes into the cook.
  • When the Picanha reaches an internal temperature of 122-127°, Remove from the Pellet Smoker.
  • Loosely wrap in foil and cover with a towel and rest for 30-minutes.
  • Slice and enjoy.
  • Let us know how they turned out and Tag #EliteBBQSmokers in your social media post.
Keyword Pellet smoker, Picanha Steak, Rufus Teague

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