The Perfect Tomahawk Steak
What is the most Iconic and “John Wayne” steak that you can think of? For me it is the Tomahawk Steak. This is a steak that just makes you look at it and say, “dang I want it.” You know what I am talking about.
When you go to the grocery store, and you see all those beautiful, marbled steaks in the meat coolers. You are like, “OK OK those are nice, and I want one.” But when you see that huge 1-1/2” TOMAHAWK STEAK you are like wow.
– That is the membership card to the Man Club.
– That is the steak that I am going to cook and take pictures of.
– That is the steak that everyone is going to be envious of.
– That is a Tomahawk Steak. Ok maybe that is just me.
So, what is it about this recipe and technique that is unique and will help you make the Perfect Tomahawk Steak? It is simple, it is a Reverse Sear method on a Pellet Grill. By utilizing this method, you will be able to cook the Tomahawk Steak to the Doneness that you want without over cooking it. Then you will be able to add the Grill Marks / Sear Marks on the outside. Essentially you are able to cook the steak correctly without over cooking the outside or under cooking the inside.
This is also the recommended method for cooking any steak, lamb, venison, or meat that you want a rare to medium internal temperature and still have grill marks on the meat.
So, as you will see in this video. My little nephew “Tucker” came over and asked to help me cook.
I believe that Barbeque and Grilling is something that allows friends and families to bond together. You see, when you are being part of the prepping, cooking and even the cleanup. You are talking and sharing information. So, when Tucker showed up and asked to cook, I said yes.
Now, what are we going to cook. Well, I had the Tomahawk Steak that I was planning on cooking later that week. But looking in the fridge I thought it would be something cool for him to experience. So, we Grilled a massive Tomahawk Steak.
We hope that you watch these videos and that it helps you. Please know that if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help. Good luck and hope to see you at a BBQ competition somewhere.

Grilled Tomahawk
- Grill / Smoker
- 1 ea Tomahawk Steak
- Rufus Teague -Steak Rub - BBQ Rub
- The Judge – Garlic Pepper Rub - BBQ Rub
- Apply a liberal amount of Rufus Teague -Steak Rub & The Judge – Garlic Pepper Rub to all sides and edges of the Tomahawk Steak
- Pre-heat your Recteq pellet smoker to 300°
- Place the Tomahawk Steak in the smoker/grill for 15-minutes
- Flip the Tomahawk Steak over and continue to cook
- When the Internal temperature of the Tomahawk Steak reaches ~110°, remove and let it rest.
- Turn up the temperature of the Recteq RT-380 Bullseye to max ~700°
- When the Recteq RT-380 Bullseye reaches ~700°, please the Tomahawk Steak on the grill grates
- In roughly 2-minutes, flip the Tomahawk steak
- In roughly another 2-minutes, flip and rotate the Tomahawk Steak 90° to create the cross pattern of the Grill/Sear marks
- In roughly another 2-minutes, flip and rotate the Tomahawk steak 90° again.
- When the internal temperature of the Steak reaches 125° or you desired temperature.
- Remove and allow the steak to rest for at least 10-minutes, Slice and enjoy.
- Let us know how they turned out and Tag #EliteBBQSmokers in your social media post.