How to smoke a Juicy, tender and flavorful Turkey perfectly every time. I promise you that once you try this recipe is will become you goto recipe for cooking, grilling or smoking a Turkey. This Smoked Turkey was just about too juicy, but the flavor was outstanding. We are going to be showing how we inject flavor into the Turkey. How we season the Turkey. How we Smoke the Turkey. How we crave the Turkey. And you will see the results speak for themselves.
We hope that you watch these videos and that it helps you. Please know that if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help. Good luck and hope to see you at a BBQ competition somewhere.

Smoked Whole Turkey
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
- Grill / Smoker
- 19 lbs. Turkey
- Sweet BBQ Rub
- 1 bottle Tony Chachere’s Marinade, Butter, Cajun Injection
- 1 cup Apple Juice
- 1 cup Triple 9 Swine Apple Cherry Habanero Glaze
- Place the Turkey on a Cooling rack inside an aluminum Pan
- Inject the Turkey with the Butter Injection. Starting with the Breast meat and working around the Turkey
- Season the Turkey with your Favorite Sweet BBQ Rub
- Set the Reteq 1250 Smoker to 275°
- Smoke the Turkey for 2hrs.
- Every 30-min spritz and rotate the Turkey
- At the 2-hr mark, check and see if you need to loosely wrap the turkey in foil to prefect it from getting too dark.
- When the Breast meat reaches an internal temperature of 165° and the Thigh meat reaches an internal temperature of 175-180°. Roughly another 2-hrs, remove and let the Turkey rest for about 45-minutes.
- Crave the turkey, but be sure to collect all the Juices.
- Now, enjoy
- Let us know how they turned out and Tag #EliteBBQSmokers in your social media post.
Keyword bbq, elite bbq smokers, Grilling, recteq grills, Turkey